
General prerequisites

Prior to installing ThreatSTOP, it's important to know several pieces of information.

What is the IP address of the device?

Is port 53 or 5353 open? 

What is the IP address of the device?

The best method of finding out what IP you should put into your device configuration, is to run the following command from the device itself or one behind it:

wget -qO -

If you are using a Windows device you can also paste the following into the web-browser of your choice:

If you have not entered a device IP in our web portal or the IP is incorrect, the output will look similar to:

Your IP address:
Address is not in the list of authorized hosts
Host list updated every 15 minutes and last updated at
Fri Jan  9 16:05:01 2016 GMT. It is now Fri Jan  9 16:07:22 2016 GMT. 

Please make sure to use the IP value provided by this result. If you have entered the correct information, the result would be:

Your IP address:
Address is in the list of authorized hosts

and you are ready for the next step of installation.


Is port 53 or 5353 open?

In some instances port 53 will be blocked upstream. To test this run the following commands:

dig -p 53 ptr @
dig -p 53 ptr @


If the output status reads anything but status: NOERROR than you should test port 5353. 

dig -p 5353 ptr @
dig -p 5353 ptr @


Should both ports be blocked, contact you local network or firewall administrator and have them open either port, preferably 5353.

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